Smile Gallery Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire

Smile Gallery

This patient was unhappy with the size of her front teeth, which dominated her smile. She had a very high lip line, which meant that all her top teeth and some gum were revealed when she smiled.
In order to reduce their size and dominance we agreed to crown the upper front two central teeth only, with metal free ceramic crowns.

The pictures below show the smile after fitting the crowns. The patient was very happy with the result and felt much less self-conscious of her front teeth when she smiled.
This unfortunate young man managed to break his front tooth in half as a result of a skiing accident. The tooth had to be root treated before it was crowned with a porcelain bonded to metal crown.
The two cases below show what can now be achieved in just one appointment to straighten teeth and make the smile more even. This is carried out by the addition of a composite resin or white filling material to the front teeth without removing any tooth at all. In fact both cases were carried out without the need for injections!
This 19 year old student had to have this tooth removed. He hated the resulting gap when he smiled but didn’t want to have a dental implant……or a denture!
We restored the missing tooth with an adhesive bridge. This meant that neither of the teeth adjacent to the gap had to be drilled. A false tooth was cleverly made to ‘stick permanently’ to the teeth on either side to become a permanent replacement.
The photographs below show what can be achieved in the surgery after ‘Zoom’ whitening. The results speak for themselves.
All the above cases were carried out by Mike Reevey
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